20 basics about how to use Kali Linux

how to use Kali Linux

MODULE 3:- Basics of Kali Linux

  1. Install Kali Linux on Hard drive with Full disk Encryption
  2. How to create Kali Linux bootable USB live in windows 10
  3. 20 basics about how to use Kali Linux
  4. 6 steps to change Kali Linux IP address (Easy)
  5. How to Add Kali Linux repository – With pictures
  6. How to update and upgrade Kali Linux to 2017.1
  7. apt-get package handling utility in Kali Linux
  8. How to use Linux debian package manager “dpkg”
  9. How to use Kali Linux SSH Server and client
  10. Start Restart Apache2 Web Server In Kali Linux

How to use Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is the best pen-testing software in existence. So you should know how to use Kali Linux. In Movies I thought they were using windows but HELL no!! Linux it was. In line with pen-testing, it makes you feel a lot smarter. So, without further a do, LETS BEGIN!!

1. Main window:

That’s what it looks like. the other articles have already shown what is kali Linux, so here is its look

2. Now, to start with the basic operations:

1. Making a new Directory–> Open the terminal, The box thingyat the top left on the right of the globe. and Type –>mkdir  foldername

2. Creating a new file–> Type: touch Filename

3. Making multiple directories–> mkdir dir1 dire2 dir3

4. Creating Multiple files–>touch filea fileb  5. Deleting a directory–>rm -rf foldername5. Deleting a file–>      rm filename 6.Copying sourcefile–> cp source destination7. Deleting multiple Directories–> rm -rf dir1 dir2 dir3 8. Moving  a file: mv source Destination 9. Clearing the screen: it actually scrolls the window down rather then removing what was previously written: clear 10. To see the Date: #date11. To see the calendar: #calendar 12. Adding a new user: useradd username 13. Applying User Password: passwd username 14. Deleting User : userdel username15. adding and creating password for a group :  groupadd groupname

gpasswd groupname    16. Deleting Group: groupdel groupname  17. Help Commands such as man, info and pinfo: man commandname

info commandname

pinfo commandname
 output info command makes more information available output and so on

18. Editor: it is used to edit existing files or creating a file

a  file(created): vi filename Edited File vim- 2nd editing command

vim filename 19. Checking the Ip : ifconfig

20. To avail all that was done over above at the desk top you need to 1st go to the desktop, otherwise all the                                                         above is created in the root folder. To go to Desktop through the terminal

cd Desktop

Kali Linux has a different way of taking the screen shots. For this, exit the full screen in the virtual box–> click on Machine on the upper left–> select take screen shot. before 2day i didn’t even know this but it is helpful if you later want to see error in your working on this particular system

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3 thoughts on “20 basics about how to use Kali Linux

  1. sir i have installed kali linux in my hdd. and the repositories error is held. how could i resolve this error. I have tried all the repositories available on the linux site but all in vain. how could i uninstall this version completely from my hdd so i will install 2019.4 on my pc. please sir help me….

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