Making your life easier on windows/mac with these Top 10 tricks
1. Wanna get back the lost tab–>Press “Control (or command)+shift + T and you got it It will reappear ……like magic and shit
2. Only need a part of the screenshot of the screen–>For windows its simple….use snipping tool i.e Start then Snipping tool , for Mac==>Command+shift+4
3. Press F4 in excel and it repeats its last command. FOR DA LUV OF SPREADSHEETS!
4.Opening new browser tab with one click–>Middle mouse button is NOT much used. Unless you are reading something like pdf. Anyway, clicking middle mouse will open a new browser tab just like that.
5.Copying a file on Mac is easy. All you gotta do is keep pressing alt and drag the file to the place you wanna copy that bitch and…VOILA!
6.Searching in Reverse –> Press S while right clicking an image on google and you will see what unholy place it came from.
7.More then spacebar can be used on youtube to stop a vid–>Spacebar causes the page to scroll too. So, use K instead of space, ya dig
8.Move windows to the side, or to the next monitor if you rich–> Hold home+arrow key moves your window to that side. hold shift too and that window goes to the next monitor.
9. Clearing cache shortcut—> Clear your cache with Control+Shift+R
10. Wanna go vintage and turn your browser window into a text editor–> Just paste this in the address bar in your browser: data:text/html…