Top 10 tricks for every window or mac user

Making your life easier on windows/mac with these Top 10 tricks

1. Wanna get back the lost tab–>Press “Control (or command)+shift + T and you got it It will reappear ……like magic  and shit

2. Only need a part of the screenshot of the screen–>For windows its simple….use  snipping tool i.e Start then Snipping tool , for Mac==>Command+shift+4


3. Press F4 in excel and it repeats its last command. FOR DA LUV OF SPREADSHEETS!

4.Opening new browser tab with one click–>Middle mouse button is NOT  much used. Unless you are reading something like pdf. Anyway, clicking middle mouse will open a new browser tab just like that.

5.Copying a file on Mac is easy. All you gotta do is keep pressing alt and drag the file to the place you wanna copy that bitch and…VOILA!

I got no funny pic no more


6.Searching in Reverse –> Press S while right clicking an image on google and you will see what unholy place it came from. 

This came from halloween

7.More then spacebar can be used on youtube to stop a vid–>Spacebar causes the page to scroll too. So, use K instead of space, ya dig

No funny pic

8.Move windows to the side, or to the next monitor if you rich–> Hold home+arrow key moves your window to that side. hold shift too and that window goes to the next monitor.


9. Clearing cache shortcut—> Clear your cache with Control+Shift+R


10. Wanna go vintage and turn your browser window into a  text editor–> Just paste this in the address bar in your browser: data:text/html…

And it won’t look like this
“Funny is the way of life, tricks are the way to survive!!“………said a great man with no pants!!


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