“Rage Day” planning in Anonymous Vs Isis

Anonymous hacktivist

Be it Viagra or the plain Old Rick Roll, anonymous is bringing whatever it can to the table to screw with Isis

Rick rolling would’ve been a cool option at a hind sight but anonymous vs Isis seem to be escalating to new heights. As anonymous changes tactics again.

The cyber warrior group is spreading a document asking for a “Day Of rage” against Turds united on 11th December.

Alongside this announcement, there are also reports of anonymous demonstration all across the major cities of globe. A demonstration in the form of men with guy fawkes mask standing united.

The Anonymous calling is also for flooding the social media accounts of the ISIS affiliated with pictures of goats(that seems a bit politically incorrect if you ask me)

happy goat

“You must wonder the troll that’s been done on ISIS” Anonymous supporter wrote, reported The Mirror 

“To defeat them, it must be understood how they do the shit they do “

“They thrive on others fear. We must show them that we are not afraid and the world ain’t their bitch”

“So the mocking of those idiots(Isis) begins”

This declaration comes as an re-assurance in the twitter to the supporters of the cyber=activists group that Everything is going according to the plan”

Now that we think about it, this was much needed as media reports criticized them for a lack of effectiveness. But in the generation of  arm chair bloggers that gave us a generation of critics rather then leaders, they are actually doing something.

“The Op ain’t dead yet!” #OpParis tweeted late last week.

What followed is a new video that declared that the hacker collective won’t stop fighting. Would never stop Isis’s bullshit propaganda on the internet.

““They insulted us, they threatened to take our lives, they even tried to copy our methods in an attempt to make this revolution powerless, but We are solid is a solid, resolute and resilient Legion that plays worldwide in the sole interests and well being of his brothers that were thrashed and hurt on their human rights, infringed and oppressed by spineless-twats, assassins and criminals,. We are anonymous” the video explained.

“Remember #OpParis will never cease. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forget.We do not Forgive.  Just you fuckers wait”(I may have spiced it up a little bit)


The war Anonymous Vs Isis have been active since the cyber warriors released a video following those coward’s attack on Paris.

Here are the series of attacks that Anonymous responded with

  • 1st major attack was to remove 5500 major twitter accounts
  • to which Islamic state hit back by generating a document on how to prevent anonymous interference while also claiming to be the owners of virtual world(Bullshit)
  • Anonymous retaliation by giving a ‘how to’ guide to people who want to understand hacking
  • the back and forth is going still


Anonymous vs Isis, cyber warriors vs turds who bath in their own piss” 





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