Scenario of Port Scanning
Much malicious software such as Trojan, Virus, Backdoor, Malware, etc are hidden in your computer, and they are using open ports for sending information and connection over TCP/IP to its owner (Hacker).
Hackers gains access to your computer by using these ports. So you must know what are the open ports in your computer system.
The Port is working in your system as a gate in your house. If you have an open gate in your house then the thief and another bad intention guy can easily get into your house.
Same if you have open ports on your computer then the hacker can easily get into your system and steal the important and useful information from your computer.
You can check your system for open ports by using Port checker or scanner.

Port Checker or Scanner
Port scanner or Port checker are the tools used for checking open ports of computer system in network.
These tools scan your whole system TCP /UDP connection and check for open ports. Such type of Tools is also looking for running services and associated ports.
So after completing port scanning of your system, you will be able to find out the open ports and running services as well.
In this article I am going to describe all about the open port checker or scanner By using these tools you can check open port and running services.
1# Nmap port scanner
Nmap (Network mapper) is a free and open source tool for the network Discovery and security auditing.
It is available for the windows, LINUX, MAC, and other operating systems as well. This tool can determine the live host, close and open ports, and running services.
They still have the capacity to scan the system and finding vulnerabilities. This tool has an inbuilt GUI interface called ZenMAP.
Nmap is the best port checker right now on the web. For the tutorial, you can read my nmap network scanning series.

Nmap is Flexible, Powerful, Portable, Easy, Free, Well Documented, Supported, Acclaimed, Popular etc.
Download Nmap
2# Angry IP scanner
Angry IP scanner is a free, open source and cross platform Network Scanner designed for fast and simple to use in the compare of Nmap.
Angry IP scanner is available for Windows Mac and LINUX as well.
Widely used bynetwork administrators in the world including large and small Enterprises banks and government agencies. Angry angry IP scanner has the following features added
- Scan local networks as well as the Internet you can scan the online service web servers.
- IP range random of file in any format
- Exports results into many formats
- Extensible with many data
- Provide command-line interface as well
- What’s on Windows Mac and Linux
- Free and open source
- Portable you don’t need to install every time and every PC. You can use it executive all file

Download Angry IP Scanner
3# Advanced Port Scanner
Advanced port scanner is free Network Scanner which allows you to find out open ports on the network computers and retrieve the service are running on that port.
This program has graphical interface so user can easily use it and it is compatible with windows 10 as well.
it has following Key Features:
- Fast multithreaded port scanning
- Getting information about network
- Identification of services running on detected ports
- Easy access to the resources found
- Remote access
- Wake-On-LAN and Remote PC shutdown
- Run commands on a remote computer

Download Advanced Port Scanner
4# SoftPerfect Network Scanner
SoftPerfect Network Scanner is a fast scanner for IPv4/IPv6 with an extensive range of options.
It has advanced features for system administrators/ Network administrators and general users who are interested in computer security. This program can ping computers, scan ports, discover shared folders, and comes with flexible filtering and display options.
It can retrieve information about network devices via WMI, SNMP, HTTP, SSH, and PowerShell.
In addition, it can scan for remote services, registry, files, performance counters and so on. The results can be exported to a variety of formats from XML to JSON.
Key features
- Performs a ping sweep and displays live devices.
- Fully supports both IPv4 and IPv6 discovery.
- Detects hardware MAC-addresses, even across routers.
- Detects hidden shared folders and writable ones.
- Detects internal and external IP addresses.
- Scans for listening TCP ports, some UDP and SNMP services.
- Retrieves currently logged-on users, configured user accounts, uptime, etc.
- Supports remote SSH, PowerShell and VBScript command execution.
- Launches external third party applications.
- Exports results to HTML, XML, JSON, CSV and TXT.
- Supports Wake-On-LAN, remote shutdown and sending network messages.
- Retrieves any system information via WMI, remote registry, file system and service manager.

Download SoftPerfect Network Scanner
5# SZ PortScan 1.60
SZ port scanner is a freeware tool. it can quickly scan whole network and figure out all active devices, ip addresses, open ports and running services. it uses more than 100 threads for scanning a large network. It search easily for UPnP devices with ip addresses such as Router, Printer.

Download PortScan & Stuff
6# Superscan Port Checker
Superscan is a free Windows only port checker by McAfee. it is included the multiple networking tools such as ping, traceroute, http head, whois etc. This tool is not to maintain from a long time but still working properly.
Here are some of the new features in this version.
- Superior scanning speed
- Support for unlimited IP ranges
- Improved host detection using multiple ICMP methods
- TCP SYN scanning
- UDP scanning (two methods)
- IP address import supporting ranges and CIDR formats
- Simple HTML report generation
- Source port scanning
- Fast hostname resolving
- Extensive banner grabbing
- Massive built-in port list description database
- IP and port scan order randomization
- A selection of useful tools (ping, traceroute, Whois etc)
- Extensive Windows host enumeration capability

Download SuperScan
7# Net scan tool
Net Scan tool is a collection of aftron 40 network utilities for Windows. It has a graphical interface comfortable for the user. Its includes the DNS tools pink port scanner traceroute and other utilities.
This girl is designs for network engineers network security network administrator network training and network security auditing.
It is provide the free demo version for user so you can explore this tool for 30 days after that it is cost start from $249.

8# UnicornScan
Unicornscan is a good port checker that utilizes it’s own userland TCP/IP stack, which allows it to run a asynchronous scans. This feature makes it faster than nmap and it can scan 65,535 ports in a relatively shorter time frame. it makes sense to use it for scanning large networks or a large number of ports due to its fast feature.
We will use unicornscan to scan all ports 65535, and make a list of those ports that are open. But its not able to detect running services on particular open ports. It identify open port only.
- Asynchronous stateless TCP scanning with all variations of TCP Flags.
- Asynchronous stateless TCP banner grabbing
- Asynchronous protocol specific UDP Scanning (sending enough of a signature to elicit a response).
- Active and Passive remote OS, application, and component identification by analyzing responses.
- PCAP file logging and filtering
- Relational database output
- Custom module support
- Customized data-set views
9# AutoScan-Network
AutoScan-Network is a network scanner (discovering and managing application) available for Windows, MAC and Linux. No extra configuration is required for scanning computer network. This tool acquired the information of connected equipment in the network.
- Fast network scanner
- Automatic network discovery
- TCP/IP scanner
- Wake on lan functionality
- Multi-threaded Scanner
- Port scanner
- Low surcharge on the network
- VNC Client
- Telnet Client
- SNMP scanner
- Simultaneous subnetworks scans without human intervention
- Realtime detection of any connected equipment
- Supervision of any equipment (router, server, firewall…)
- Supervision of any network service (smtp, http, pop, …)
- Automatic detection of known operatic system (brand and version), you can also add any unknown equipment to the database
- The graphical interface can connect one or more scanner agents (local or remote)
- Scanner agents could be deployed all over the network to scan through any type of equipment (router, NAT, etc)
- Network Intruders detection (in intruders detection mode, all new equipments blacklisted)
- Complete network tree can be saved in a XML file.
- Privileged account is not required
Finally you have got knowledge about offline and online open port checker or scanner. If your looking for more practically knowledge attend our Live Cyber Security Webinars .
MODULE 5:- Scanning Network and Vulnerability
- Introduction of port Scanning – Penetration testing
- TCP IP header flags list
- Examples of Network Scanning for Live Host by Kali Linux
- important nmap commands in Kali Linux with Example
- Techniques of Nmap port scanner – Scanning
- Nmap Timing Templates – You should know
- Nmap options for Firewall IDS evasion in Kali Linux
- commands to save Nmap output to file
- Nmap Scripts in Kali Linux
- 10 best open port checker Or Scanner
- 10 hping3 examples for scanning network in Kali Linux
- How to Install Nessus on Kali Linux 2.0 step by step
- Nessus scan policies and report Tutorial for beginner
- Nessus Vulnerability Scanner Tutorial For beginner
2 thoughts on “Mastering Open Port Scanners: Top 10 Tools for Beginners”
i think you need to update other online port scanner website.
I will update soon
Thanks for feedback