Complete Guide: Nmap Ping Sweep for Network Scanning in Kali Linux

nmap ping sweep

Kali Linux Scan Network by nmap ping sweep

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In this article, I am going to discuss the nmap ping sweep is used for checking live hosts in the network. Kali Linux scan network by nmap for getting information on active hosts in the network.

if you want to check out your target system then it will be your first step to getting the basic information that the target machine is alive or dead.

Live or dead means here “system is on or off, IP exists or not”, If system is not active in the network you can consider it as dead.

If the system is active in the network it is live. For attacking on the system, it must be active in the network.

What is Nmap?

“Nmap is the best network vulnerability scanning software or one of network security audit tools used to scan LAN network. In this article, I will use the Nmap network scanner to scan the network.” It is a free network discovery software. 

Method 1: Ping Scanning for live host

As you know Ping command is used to check the connectivity between the hosts in network.

In ping process first system sends an ICMP packet containing 8 and 0 code indicating this packet is an echo request.

The target machine (second system) received this packet and response with another ICMP packets contains 0 code indicating an echo reply.

A successful Ping request and the response would show that the System in a network to be a “Live Host”.

Method 2: nmap Ping Sweep network Scanning 

A ping sweep (otherwise called an ICMP sweep) is a fundamental system scanning strategy used to figure out which of a range of IP address guide to live hosts (Computer).

Although a single ping will let you know whether one specified host machine upon the network, a ping sweep comprises of ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) ECHO requests sent to multiple hosts.

In the event that a given address is live, it will give back an ICMP ECHO response.

Ping sweeps are among the more seasoned and slower strategies used to scan a network.

There are various tools that might be used to do a ping sweep, for example, fping, gping, and nmap for UNIX platform.

Namp ping sweeep technique used for scanning and test security. it is found out network vulnerability.

Method 3: IP Address Scanning Within Ranges by nmap ping sweep

Characterizing a set of targets utilizing an IP address range is truly nice. And scanning network is handled by IP address scanner nmap.  

For this example, the address will be 192.168.56.x class c address range. This means that the greatest number of has that might be incorporated in the sweep is 254. To output, the greater part of the hosts, utilize the following command.

#nmap -sn

This same sweep might be finished utilizing the CIDR method for addressing to by utilizing the/24 postfix as takes after.

#nmap -sn

Method 4: List Scan by using nmap ping sweep

Nmap can additionally utilize a content record as info for the target list. Expect that the following addresses are put away in a document called targets.txt.

The scanning can be performed by using given command

#nmap –iL /Location_Target.txt

MODULE 5:- Scanning Network and Vulnerability

  1. Introduction of port Scanning – Penetration testing
  2. TCP IP header flags list
  3. Examples of Network Scanning for Live Host by Kali Linux
  4. important nmap commands in Kali Linux with Example
  5. Techniques of Nmap port scanner – Scanning
  6. Nmap Timing Templates – You should know
  7. Nmap options for Firewall IDS evasion in Kali Linux
  8. commands to save Nmap output to file
  9. Nmap Scripts in Kali Linux
  10. 10 best open port checker Or Scanner
  11. 10 hping3 examples for scanning network in Kali Linux
  12. How to Install Nessus on Kali Linux 2.0 step by step
  13. Nessus scan policies and report Tutorial for beginner
  14. Nessus Vulnerability Scanner Tutorial For beginner

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