8 steps to install WordPress theme manually

how to install WordPress theme manually

How to install WordPress theme

Hello Friends, Welcome again!

In this article, I will cover 8 steps to install WordPress theme manually. the theme gives a good and unique look of your website. for more detail read Use Sahifa Theme for Blogger to design website The first question arise in mind, how to upload and activate a theme? so you will get the answer continue reading …

How to upload theme without FTP?

I am using bigrock hosting so I will describe all methods on bigrock hosting.

Step 1: Access control pannel and open file manager for more detail read WordPress upload file and extract it

Step 2: Go on public_html/wp-content/themes and click on upload files

go inside theme


Step 3: Next tab will be open Click on chose file, Then choose sahifa zip downloaded some time before, and click on Open

Upload sahifa theme

Step 4: Go again the previous tab of the file manager and refresh the page, and go public_html/wp-content/themes.

Here you will find sahifa zip file write click on it and click on extract

extract sahif zip file

Step 5: Click on Extract file

extract file

Activate & Install WordPress theme manually

In the above step we have discussed uploading WordPress theme on themes folder and now time to install wordpress theme manually, so go throw the following steps,

Step 6: Login to Admin panel of your website my admin panel is http://cottonclubs.com/wp-admin/

Step 7: Go to Dashboard>Appearance>themes

How to install WordPress theme manually

Step 8: Activate sahifa theme.




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