Virtualization Simplified: How to Install Windows 10 on VirtualBox

How to install window 10 in VirtualBox

Are you feeling uncomfortable after hearing this word “Install windows 10 on Virtualbox? It is natural.

Most of the time you heard or read about “Install Virtualbox on windows 10, Install kali Linux on Virtualbox

But today’s topic is how to install windows 10 on VirtualBox. It is interesting.

I will go through the following contents.

Article Contents:

Why Windows10 on Virtualbox

How to install windows 10 on VirtualBox

In the last post I have described how to install window 10 in the core system but As you know the window 10 is available in only technical preview means it is available for testing purposes only. So If you don’t want to install Windows 10 on the core system but want to test it then the single solution is to install window 10 in Virtual box.

Download Free Windows 10 ISO image

Having only a Linux target is not enough for all practice, so you will have another target machine Windows as well. As you know the latest version of Microsoft Windows is Windows 10.

So download the evolution version of Windows 10 from the given link without any charge.

Step 1: Click on Evaluate now > Windows 10 Enterprise, 

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If you want to create a virtual machine of windows 8.1 then download 8.1 

Step 2: For downloading ISO image you must register first, so click on register to continue

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Step 3: Fill out the required field with the correct information to start downloading. The fields have first name, last name, company name, email address, and country. Check the Yes and click on continue.

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Step 4: Choose the file type ISO – Enterprise then click on continue.

Step 5: Select the 32bit or 64bit version as per your requirement, and choose product language then click on download.

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As soon as you click on the download the downloading process will be started shortly and it will take a little bit time to download depends on the Internet speed whatever you have

After completing the downloading, we will create the virtual machine for Windows 10 then install the Windows 10 on VirtualBox

Create a virtual machine for Windows 10 on Virtualbox

Before start the installation of Windows 10 on VirtualBox, it is necessary to create a virtual machine first.

You can create a virtual machine similar to create a virtual machine for Kali Linux before. Follow the given steps.

Step 1: Run VirtualBox and click on the new option. 

Step 2: Choose the name for a new virtual machine, You are creating a virtual machine for Windows 10. So put the name Windows 10. Select operating system type is Microsoft Windows. And in the version section, you can select Windows 10 (32-bit) or Windows 10 (64-bit).

The minimum RAM requirement for 32-bit is 1GB and 2GB for 64-bit. So you can choose the version as per your requirement. 

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Step 3: In next step, you will select the amount of memory (RAM) in megabytes to be allocated for a virtual machine.

I have selected version 32-bit so minimum RAM size should be 1024 MB. you can assign more RAM for better performance. 

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Step 4: It is time to add a virtual hard disk to the new machine. As you know without a hard disk, the computer machine is worthless.

You can’t install an OS on a computer machine without a hard disk. So your next task to creates a virtual hard disk for Windows 10 virtual machine.

Select Create a virtual hard disk now and click on create.

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Step 5: you can choose hard disk file type that you would like to use for the virtual hard disk. If you don’t need to use this hard disk with another virtualization software, then you can choose VDI (Virtual Disk Image).

This is only can be used with VirtualBox software. And click on Next.

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Step 6: Storage type on physical hard disk A dynamically allocated hard disk file will only use space on your physical hard disk as it fills up and reached to maximum size, although it will not shrink again automatically when space on it is freed. In the other hand, a fixed size should be created at its maximum size no matter how much space used by installed operating system. A fixed-size may take a longer time to create and virtual machines give better performance as well. 

So select Dynamically allocated and click on Next  

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Step 7: File Location and Size: If you want to change the name of the virtual hard disk, change by typing in the box. Otherwise, leave it to default if you don’t want to change the hard disk file name. Another option folder icon used to select the desired location for saving the virtual hard disk file. Most important part assign the size of the hard drive up to 32 GB[can be extended]  will be better for performance.

Click on Create button to create hard disk and virtual machine as well.

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Get Ready to Install Windows 10 on VirtualBox

After creating a virtual machine for windows 10 successfully our next step to install windows 10 on Virtualbox. Before start installation, we need to make changes under the setting section.

  1. Select Windows 10 virtual machine and click on the settings
  2. Click on  Storage > Controller: IDE > Select Empty
  3. Click on CD icon in the right side of CD/DVD drive: >choose a Virtual CD/DVD disk file >Click on it a then new window will be popup.
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  1. Give the path of Windows 10 ISO image downloaded some time before from the evaluation center of Microsoft.
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After selecting ISO image your machine’s setting will be looks like an image. Click on OK to proceed 

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How to install Windows 10 on Virtualbox

In this section, you will learn all the steps of how to install windows 10 on VirtualBox.

Step 1: Select the windows virtual machine and click on start. 

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Step 2: As you click on start button the Virtual machine will be started, and it will boot with Windows 10 installation DVD.

You will see a windows setup wizard as shown in the below image. Select a language for installation and click on next 

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Step 3: Next window will appear Just click on Install and move to next step 

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Step 4: Next windows for Microsoft software license terms read it and check on I accept the license terms. Then click on Next. 

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Step 5: In this step select installation type. We are going to install fresh windows so select Custom: Install Windows only (Advanced) option.

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Step 6: Next window for creating and formatting partition, we don’t need multiple partition select unallocated space and click Next. the partition will be created and formated automatically. 

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Step 7: As you click on Next the installation will be started. At the time of installation, the Virtual machine will be restarted several times. So don’t worry about it and enjoy the installation.

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After a few time windows, 10 will install. And it will ask for some setting to configure windows for you. 

Step 8: Select the country and click Yes.

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Step 9: Select the keyboard layout and click yes.

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Step 10: If you want to add a second keyboard layout then add otherwise skip this step

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Step 11: Don’t sign in with Microsoft account because we are going to create a vulnerable machine so click on Domain joins instead.

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Step 11: Provide the desired user name and click on Next 

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Step 12: Provide same and easy password twice.

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Step 13: provide password hints, so you can remember later. 

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Step 14: Choose privacy settings and click on accept.

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Step 15: Disable Windows Defender and Firewall. 

And now your Windows 10 vulnerable machine is ready for attack.

Video Tutorial How to install windows 10 on VirtualBox in Hindi


In this article you have learned lots of things including download windows 10, create a virtual machine and install windows 10 on VirtualBox.

If you are learning ethical hacking then your second virtual machine ready.

You can practice more and more to develop your skills.

If you have any question write in the comment box.

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