4 Steps: How to Install Fedora on Virtualbox

How to Install Fedora on Virtualbox

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How to Install Fedora on VirtualBox

This article will cover all the required steps to Install Fedora on Virtualbox. Mostly people want to learn about how to install fedora on virtualbox but they not able to find right information. Why so, I wrote this article.

Introduction of Fedora:

Fedora is an RPM-based, broadly useful collection of packages, including an Operating System focused around the Linux kernel, created by the community-supported Fedora Project and supported by Red Hat. The Fedora Project’s aim is to lead the progression of free and open source programming and substance as a collective group.

One of Fedora’s main targets is not just to hold programming appropriated under a free and open source licensed, additionally to be on the heading edge of such advances. Fedora designers like to roll out upstream improvements as opposed to applying fixes particularly for Fedora this guarantees that their updates are accessible to all Linux distribution.

Install Fedora on VirtualBox topic will complete given steps:

Step 1: Prerequisites

Step 2: Create Virtual Machine for Fedora 32 bit

Step 3: Setting up a Virtual machine before installation

Step 4: Installing Fedora 20 on Hard Drive.

Step 1: Prerequisites

To Setup Virtual Lab Fedora for Penetration testing. You need Winodw (any Version) Window 7 is comfortable to do so. Install & Download Virtual box for Window Operating System

VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

download virtual box for window

Download Fedora
Download fedora 20

  Step 2: Create Virtual Machine for Fedora 32 bit

  1. Open VirtualBox
    Start your Host Computer, Go to
    Start à All Program à Oracle VM VirtualBox à Oracle VM VirtualBox
    Click the Start Button
    Type “VirtualBox” in the search Box
    Click On Oracle VM VirtualBox
  2. Create a New Virtual Machine for Fedora.
    Click on New
    Fill the required field with given bellow
    Name: Fedora 20
    Type : Linux
    Version: Fedora
    Note: If you want to create 64 bit Virtual Machine then Select Fedora (64 bit)
    Create Virtual Machine For Fedora01
  3. Assign Memory Size
    The Recommended memory size for Fedora is 768, To work perfect assign 1024 MB RAM
    Create Virtual Machine For Fedora02
  4. Create Hard drive
    Select Create a virtual hard drive now radio button
    Click on “Create” button
    Create Virtual Machine For Fedora 03
  5. Create Hard drive file type
    Select VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk) radio button. It is the file type of Virtual Hard drive,
    Click Next Button
    Create Virtual Machine For Fedora04
  6. Select Fixed size radio button for fast speed. Click “Next” Button.
    Create Virtual Machine For Fedora 05
  7. Assign 15 GB size for Hard drive and click “Create”.
    Create Virtual Machine For Fedora06

Step 3: Setting up a Virtual machine before installation

  1. Select Fedora 20 Machine, Click on the setting
  2. Select Storage option in left menu from new pop up window.
  3. Select CD icon (Empty)
  4. Click another CD/DVD Icon image in left side
  5. New menu bar will open select “Choose Virtual CD/DVD disk file”
    Configure VirtualBox before start installation of Fedora
  6. Give the location for Fedora Live Desktop and click Open.
    Configure VirtualBox before start installation of Fedora02
  7. Ok
    Configure VirtualBox before start installation of Fedora03

Step 4: Install Fedora on Virtualbox 

  1. Start Fedora machine
    Select Fedora machine and Click on “Start” icon.
    install Fedora 20
  2. Try Fedora
    When Fedora machine will boot with the DVD/CD image, Welcome screen will appear and ask for two options “Try Fedora” and “Install to Hard Drive”. Select “Try Fedora”, Installation will be start later.
    Before installation process
  3. In the Next screen it will ask for confirmation.
    Before installation process2
  4. Start Installation:
    Click on activities button on the left top corner of Fedora Desktop.
    Search menu will be appear type install in search bot and hit enter.
    Click on “Install to Hard Drive
    Before installation process3
  5. Select language whatever you want at the time of installation, Click the “continue” button.
  6. Next Installation Summary WIZARD will appear
    Select “LOCALIZATION” to set Date & Time
    Installation of Fedora Date and Time configuration 01
    Select your region, Click “Done” button
    Installation of Fedora Date and Time configuration 02
    Select Local Standard Disks, Click “Done” button
    Installation of Fedora Disk configuration 02.jpg
    Installation of Fedora Disk configuration 01.jpg
    Click “Begin Installation” button to proceed to next option.
  7. Installation of Fedora has been started, It is also need to set “ROOT PASSWORD” AND “USER CREATION”
    Click the “ROOT PASSWORD”
    Set Root Password twice then click on “Done” button.
  8. After completing installation process Click on “Quit” button.
    System will reboot.
  9. First Boot after installation
    Welcome Screen will appear select language and click next button to proceed next step
    Next screen for Online Accounts, Click on “Next” Button to proceed.
    “Thank You” will appear Click on “Start Using Fedora” to start fedora.


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