Fluxion is a wifi Security analysis tool that can be used for WPA and WPA2 hacking or other wifi attacks using the MITM (Man In the Middle Attack) techniques. It is the future of wifi hacking and a combination of technical and social engineering techniques that force users to send WiFi passwords to attackers in plain text. In short words, It’s a social engineering framework using the following process
How to Use Fluxion for WPA / WPA2 Hacking
- Scan the networks.
- Capture a handshake (can’t be used without a valid handshake, it’s necessary to verify the password)
- Use WEB Interface *
- Launch a FakeAP instance to imitate the original access point
- Spawns an MDK3 process, which deauthenticates all users connected to the target network, so they can be lured to connect to the FakeAP and enter the WPA password.
- A fake DNS server is launched in order to capture all DNS requests and redirect them to the host running the script
- A captive portal is launched in order to serve a page, which prompts the user to enter their WPA password
- Each submitted password is verified by the handshake captured earlier
- The attack will automatically terminate, as soon as a correct password is submitted
How to Use Fluxion Tutorial 2020 for WPA/WPA2 Hacking
We are targeting a WPA / WPA2 encrypted Wi-Fi connection. It means a Wi-Fi access point has WPA2 encryption and multiple connected users. This attack included creating a fake access point, Jam the target Access Point, Setting up a fake login page, and forcing the user to enter a wifi password. One more interesting thing in this attack will be captured handshake for comparing entered passwords by the user. If the user enters the wrong password attack will not stop and send again fake page to enter the right password. If you want a complete tutorial you can go through following steps:
- How to install Fluxion in Kali Linux
- Scan Wi-Fi Hotspot by Fluxion
- Choose Target WiFi Hotspot
- Capture Handshakes
- Create the Fake Login Page
- Hack WIFI WPA/WPA2 Password
STEP 1: How to install Fluxion in Kali Linux
Fluxion is not a prebuilt tool in Kali Linux, So we have to install it on the Kali Linux system by cloning the git repository using the following syntax:
#git clone https://github.com/GiorgAtma/fluxion
When the cloning is done use the following command to start fluxion
#cd fluxion
When you see the message some dependency packages are missing or not installed. Run the following command to install the missing packages.
A new window will open and start the installation of missing packages. Be patient and wait for the finishing installation.
STEP 2: Scan Wi-Fi Hotspot by Fluxion
When fluxion runs the first time, the first option is language selection. So select your language by typing the number mentioned next to the language on the screen, Press enter to proceed.
Select Channel: Channel selection is important, if you know the target AP’s channel, you may enter 2 to narrow the scan to desired channel. Otherwise, select option 1 to scan all channels and scan all networks nearby you and take a little bit of time.
STEP 3: Choose Target WiFi Hotspot
When the scanning will be completed, all available access points will be displayed on the screen. Every AP has a number next to it. The selected target must have connected clients. This attack will not work without any client. Select the Access point by entering the number mentioned next to it.
STEP 4: Capture Handshakes
Handshakes are used by AP and clients at the time of establishing a connection. Three methods are available to start getting a handshake. The most powerful method is “airplay-ng de-authentication (aggressive), use it. If not captured, use another method. In the next screen, you can check the status of handshakes by selecting the first option check handshake.
STEP 5: Create the Fake Login Page
Select option 1 for “Web Interface,” and social engineering tool will be used. Select language and go ahead.
This is the final step to fire the attack, Press enter to launch the attack. Multiple windows will be created to clone the version their wireless network alongside jamming the normal access point and the user will connect with a fake AP (unencrypted)
STEP 6: Hack WIFI WPA/WPA2 Password
The user is directed to a fake login page, which is either convincing or not, depending on which you chose.
STEP 7: Warning by Fluxion Team
2 thoughts on “Fluxion in Kali Linux use for WPA WPA2 hacking in minutes beginners Guide”
the link you have given to clone from girhub is no more there “https://github.com/GiorgAtma/fluxion”. Please provide a valid link for cloning fluxion.
I will update