People visit websites only when they are sure that the website is secure, if a person visits a website and sees that it is insecure, for example, a warning sign may pop up and only HTTP instead of HTTPS may show on the URL of the website, a person will be cautious to visit the website again.
Therefore, website security is important if you want to build user trust, increase traffic and maintain visitors on your website. Website security is something that must be taken seriously. Whether you built your website up from scratch with code or you used a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress or Blogger, you need to take website security important. Below are the tips for improving your website security:
Use SSL certificate.
For your website security, it is important to have an SSL certificate on the website, which should be from branded certificate authorities like Sectigo SSL, GlobalSign SSL, RapidSSL, etc. With an SSL certificate, the data that is shared between the server and the client is encrypted which means only a verified resource that has a valid public key can decrypt it. Therefore, the possibility of hackers accessing and decrypting the sensitive data that is shared is thin.
The importance of using an SSL certificate for your website security is much. It helps encrypt data and provides a secure connection while also making HTTPS available on your website’s URL, which builds user trust. So, choose SSL from Sectigo SSL, Comodo SSL, or any branded authority today for your website security.
Have frequent website updates
To help build user trust, you need to have frequent website updates on your website and scan for malware or any virus attack on your website. When there is malware or attacks on your website, your website can start loading slowly, hackers will display unwanted ads and when visitors to your website click on it, their devices can be infected with a virus or they may fall victim to fraud.
If your website is hosted with a CMS, there is a possibility that your website hosts provide regular website updates; there will also be regular updates on the plugins and tools you are using on your website. Regularly updating these is for your website security because the updates are to fix the security lap that was available while also creating a better user experience.
Control your website
You may not have an in-house web developer to build your brand’s website or you may not have been the one to build it which means you hired a third party to build your website. When this happens, sometimes, the web developer may use their details when filling in information regarding the hosting account, domain name, SSL, and other parts of the website, which is not good.
To enable website security, you need to have full control of your website, which you can do by telling the web developer to use your details or someone in your business’s details while building the website. Ensure that you have full access to the website and if possible, limit who can access your website admin panel.
Make use of strong passwords
The benefits of using strong passwords for website security and building user trust cannot be overemphasized. For your website admin access, hosting services, SSL certificates, security services, and third-party tools like financial tools and social media accounts linked to your website, you need to make use of strong passwords.
When we mention string passwords, a strong password is a password with not less than eight characters comprising symbols, upper and lower cases, numeric, etc. The password should not be easily guessable by hackers. If you are thinking that using a strong or complicated password will not be good because you will forget it, you can make use of a password manager to help you. Additionally, if there are options for you to set up two-factor authentication, you should not neglect to make use of it because it will provide additional website security, which is exactly what you need.
Limit login attempts
To enable website security, another important thing you should do is limit login attempts. Hackers place brute-force attacks on the login page of websites. They know that if they can successfully log in to a website they can gain access and do what they like on the website like swindling visitors or infecting the devices of visitors and gaining access to important information.
Therefore, when you notice an attempted login, especially from an IP address that you have no idea of, you should limit it and possibly block the IP address. Many CMS security plugins make this feature available for website owners. Therefore, you can set the login attempt to 3, 5, or any other number of attempts that you are comfortable with.
Limit the number of access to the website
There are times that besides you as the owner of the website, others need to have access to the admin panel of the website either to post content, make updates, etc. You still have a duty of limiting the number of access to the admin panel of the website. A method that website owners have employed over the years is by creating different usernames and passwords for those that are to have access to it and for the primary purpose; they are to have access to the website.
If a person is no longer using the login information again probably because they are no longer working in a department of your business that needs access or they are no longer working with you, they must access their had been deleted. There are times that hackers will look for these dormant usernames and passwords to gain administrative access to a website, which is not good if you want to build user trust, and for your website security.
Your website security is important if you want to build user trust and ensure that the traffic on your website grows. The methods listed and discussed in this article are important measures you should employ. In addition to these, do not neglect to create a custom login URL for your website. Try to keep your website secure and you will be grateful you did.