Best SEO plugins for wordpress website to grow your business

SEO plugins for wordpress website

Why use SEO plugins for wordpress website?

After creating the website, and writing some articles, user want to see their website in google search. but this is not really easy. because you have lots of competitors in the market. If you start a writing posts and forget about “how to rank your site in google search?”. Writing 100s or 1000s post are useless for your blog of business until they will not rank in google.

[bctt tweet=”Most Organic traffic are coming  from Google ” username=”@cyberpratibha”]

[bctt tweet=”Do a good job better than do a long job” username=”@cyberpratibha”]

For a doing good job and writing good articles and optimized those for SEO is a single way to grow your blog or business. So I will describe about 5 best SEO plugin for wordpress website grow your business

Squirrly SEO – Increase traffic by 285% 

Squirrly SEO claimed to increase your search traffic by 285%. and I am using this plugin personally and find useful. this plugin help you to optimize your content for human friendly as well as google crawler friendly.

Yes It is.

When you plan to write a article you waste time for searching keyword etc. but you can search keyword direct from post page. and you will get lots of search suggestion for creating big long tail keyword. So dont miss this feature.

Some time we are using lots of keywords in the post and looks like Spam,  and some we are using less keywords in post. We dont know how much keywords should be used in a post or we are not aware about density of keywords. Squirrly SEO will help you to make a good balance.

If we forget about using images, this plugin remind you.

It will help you to optimize content with bold, headings, keywords in content and more

Read more about Squirrly SEO 

Pingler – Tell search engines about your article

If you think optimizing a website give you first rank in google search you are wrong, No doubt squirrly help you to optimize your content. [bctt tweet=”What will you do after completing your content?” username=”@cyberpratibha”] a big question mark for all bloggers,

Ans: Ping your site with google and other sites.

Pingler will not help you to create backlinks, it will ping your new post with search engines. after using this service your post will be known by search engines they crawl your site fast and index it.

Go here to see more Pingler Website

SEMrush – All in one Marketing toolkit 

You have created an optimized content and ping with google, that’s great News!
What is next =>
You will have to learn about digital marketing strategy, and monitoring about organic traffic and keywords!  Your keywords to rank for, where you are getting back links from, your competitors, strategy used by them and much more.
SEMrush will help you for all these, this is a paid subscription and used by thousands of SEO professionals. they have clients all over the world. It will help you to get enormous wealth of data.

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