Add Kali Linux git repository in source list a simple Guide

Add Kali Linux git source repository

After installing Kali Linux the next step how to update and upgrade it. Repository plays an important role to update and upgrade Kali Linux.

Git Source Repository is a Server that stores all updated verified tools for Kali Linux.  We need to add these server addresses to the source.list file, locate /etc/apt/.  

As we know Kali Linux is a Debian-based Operating System, so all the Debian packages can be installed on it. Read ( How to install deb files in Ubuntu )

But in some cases, packages may crash in the Kali Linux. It happens due to incompatibility. So it is important to add only the official source list in the file.

Step 1: Go to the official website HERE

Step 2: Copy the source lists ( Regular Repositories and Source repositories) and add them into /etc/apt/source.list file

Default Network Repository in Kali Linux

Do you remember??

At the time of installation of Kali Linux, You have access to the network. It means you are accessing the internet.

Your installation process will take time to download in install the newer packages on your kali system.

If Yes, It means you have configured a repository in your machine. So run the following command to check repository configuration.

kali@kali:~$ grep -v ‘#’ /etc/apt/sources.list | sort -u deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Branches/Regular repositories

On a standard, a clean install of Kali Linux, you should have the following two entries present in/etc/apt/sources.list:

Kali Rolling

deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib


deb kali-last-snapshot main non-free contrib


deb kali-experimental main non-free contrib

You can find a list of official Kali Linux mirrors here.

Source repositories

In case you require source packages, you might also want to add the following repositories as well:

deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib

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